Eduk8 Worldwide judge Bailiffgate Museum ‘build it’ competition
Build It Prizes Presented
As part of the summer-long toys exhibition in Bailiffgate Museum, children were invited during “Build It” weekend to create a model of their choice, using any of the several construction sets provided. Their models were then judged by the managing director of Eduk8, a well-known local toy company sponsoring the competition. Our photo shows the winners collecting their Eduk8 prizes from Jane Mann of Bailiffgate Museum. From left to right they were Ava (10 and over category), Arthur (Highly Commended) and Daniel (Under 10’s).
Jane Mann said: “We were really pleased with the standard of entries to this special event over the first Bank Holiday weekend and very well done to the prize winners. The Toys exhibition has been extremely popular already and there are other features taking place right through to September”. We urge all parents to check out our website for details.